Parish Manager Position

Parish Manager Position Parish Manager Full-time Position with Benefits. Salary commensurate with experience.  Expectations: The Parish Manager supports the Pastor and Parish Staff.  He/she assists the Pastor with the administration, financial and personnel resources of the Parish and School and serves as the liaison with the Diocese. The Parish Manager is expected to:  Attend meetings as directed by the…

We Are Hiring!

We are Hiring! Director of Catechetical Ministry & Sacramental Preparation for Children and Teens Under the supervision of the Pastor and Pastoral Associate. This is a full time position that will require some evenings and weekend hours. Duties include but are not limited to: Envisions, plans and coordinates all facets of the Catechetical Formation program…

Matching Gift Challenge May 1 – June 15, 2021 A generous donor family has stepped up, challenging us to raise $500,000 for the Charity and Development Appeal between May 1 – June 15, 2021.  They will match every single gift – up to $500,000!  Help us to raise an additional $1,000,000 the CDA before grants…

Divine Mercy Sunday 2021

Divine Mercy Sunday 2021

We’re doing something a little different this year to celebrate the presence of Our Lord in our lives on: Divine Mercy Sunday, April 11th Tune into our Parish YouTube Channel for a special, pre-recorded online presentation where we will join together to: Recite the Chaplet Pray Reflect on Excerpts from St. Faustina’s Diary Presentation will…