7/11/17 UPDATE

Thanks for all your feedback on the Music Area set-up.  Based on your feedback and on some things we’ve been considering for awhile, here are the updates:

  • The “walk around” path is BACK.  (Yes, the landing strip arrows have come back.)
  • The piano has moved back about 3 feet.
  • The guitar 1 and bass position now line up with the FRONT ROW to be closer to the piano. There still needs to be room for people to get by.
  • AV people: the bass channel has changed.
  • Guitarists: While communion pathways will be around and behind the keys and drums, psalmists should be able to walk behind the guitar 1 position to get to the ambo. 
  • The drums and percussion have switched places.

Suggestions are always welcome, and here are some of the ground rules to maintain as we consider options:

  • All musicians, instruments, and equipment need to be on the platform.  The Divine Mercy area needs to a distinctly separate area.
  • We need a walkway for people to get by.
  • The choir and instrumentalists need to face the altar.
  • The piano bench needs to be in such a way that the choir and instrumentalists can see the music leader (since most masses here are lead from piano) while looking toward the altar and the music leader can cue the musicians.
  • The Guitar 1 position needs to be in a place where someone can lead music from that position.
  • Some groups have multiple guitars and other instruments standing in the middle area.
  • There needs to be room between the front row and the ledge of the platform for the Sonrisa de Cristo conductor to stand.

If you have any questions or more suggestions, please feel free to contact me.


Jarrod Townsend, MA
Director of Music and Audio Visual Media
Christ the King Catholic Church

[email protected]


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