Has a loved one recently passed away or in the process of dying?
We are here for you if you have experienced a death in your family and need to make funeral arrangements.
For more information regarding funerals and funeral planning, please contact Sister Patricia Gehling.
(480) 844-4463
[email protected]
Are you or a loved one unable to attend Mass?
If you or a loved one are not able to join us for Sunday Mass due to a serious illness or advanced age, our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion may be able to take the Eucharist to you.
For more information, contact Maria de Jesus Gutierrez at
(480) 844-4478
[email protected]
Are you or a loved one suffering from Cancer?
Our St. Peregrine Cancer Shrine can provide personalized cards so adorers, parishioners, school children and shrine visitors can pray and write words of encouragement. The cards are then mailed to the recipient.
For more information please contact Maria de Jesus Gutierrez at
(480) 844-4478
[email protected]
Are you struggling with a serious illness or are undergoing surgery or being hospitalized?
Please contact the office to request an anointing. If this is an urgent request after hours, please call the Parish Office at (480) 964-1719 and ask the answering service to contact one of our priests.
Are you in need of Prayers?
Anyone who needs prayers or has a family member in need of prayer, can contact us to add their name to our prayer list.
For more information, contact Maria de Jesus Gutierrez (480) 844-4478
[email protected]
H.O.P.E. Food Boxes Ministry
For food assistance, please contact "Helping Other People Emerge," our ministry that offers assistance to those within our parish boundaries who need food boxes.
For more information please contact
(480) 964-1719