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1551 East Dana Avenue
Mesa, Arizona 85204

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Call the Parish Office at (480) 964-1719

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Fr. Rolyn Francisco

Fr. Rolyn Francisco


If you would like to contact our clergy, please call the Parish Office at (480) 964-1719.

Fr. Prince Chirayath

Fr. Prince Chirayath

Parochial Vicar

If you would like to contact our clergy, please call the Parish Office at (480) 964-1719.

Deacon Tom Bishop

Deacon Tom Bishop

If you would like to contact our clergy, please call the Parish Office at (480) 964-1719.

Deacon Ron Ruiz

Deacon Ron Ruiz

If you would like to contact our clergy, please call the Parish Office at (480) 964-1719.

Deacon Neil Tift

Deacon Neil Tift

If you would like to contact our clergy, please call the Parish Office at (480) 964-1719.

Deacon Frank Galarza

Deacon Frank Galarza

If you would like to contact our clergy, please call the Parish Office at (480) 964-1719.


Deacon Rob Bonura

Deacon Rob Bonura

Pastoral Associate

Marriage, Annulments, RCIA, Baptism

Sister Patricia Gehling, SSND

Sister Patricia Gehling, SSND

Pastoral Associate

Liturgical Ministries & Funerals

Victoria Smith

Victoria Smith

Parish Manager

Josie Sagisi

Josie Sagisi

Parish Accountant

Erika Jackson

Erika Jackson

Communications & Media

Felipe Tomas

Felipe Tomas

Facilities Manager

Cher Reyes

Cher Reyes

Administrative Secretary

Tracy Magallon

Tracy Magallon

Parish Secretary


Jarrod Townsend

Jarrod Townsend

Music Director

Music Ministry, Audio/Visual Media

Maria Mancilla

Maria Mancilla

Director of Catechesis

Elementary Religious Education, Child and Teen Sacrament Preparation

Angelica Nuñez

Angelica Nuñez

Youth Minister

Junior High & High School Ministry

Elena Cota

Elena Cota

RE Administration

Parish Supported Entities

Kelsey Kasper

Kelsey Kasper

School Principal

Christ the King Catholic Elementary School

Maria de Jesus Gutierrez

Maria de Jesus Gutierrez

Director of the St. Peregrine Cancer Shrine

Cancer Ministry, Perpetual Adoration