Holy Orders
Prayer to Know my Vocation
Lord Jesus, I believe that you have created me for a special mission. From the moment I was conceived in my mother’s womb, you have been preparing my path to Heaven. Lord, show me your will for my life. Help me to trust you, no matter the cost. Help me to believe that I will be happiest in doing your will. Give me the grace to say yes to what you ask of me today, so that I can say yes to my vocation when it becomes clear to me. I make this prayer through Christ our Lord, Amen.
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Diocese of Phoenix
If you are interested in finding out more about the priesthood or religious life please check out the Vocations Office at The Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix by clicking the button below.
Are You Being Called?
If you feel you are being called to serve the Church more deeply, please review these sample questions to assist you in your discernment process by clicking the button below.