Lenten Fish Fry
The Lenten Fish Fry is back!
The Lenten Fish Fry is back!
Bridges:Marriage Preparation & Enrichment Bridges: Marriage Preparation & Enrichment Saturday, February 8th5:15 – 8:00pm | Presentation Hall “Littles” Nursery in St. Francis. Free will offering appreciated for childcare. Please register by filling out the form for nursery care and Session information! We are blessed when you spend time with us! Have Questions? Click here to…
Parish Manager Position Parish Manager Full-time Position with Benefits. Salary commensurate with experience. Expectations: The Parish Manager supports the Pastor and Parish Staff. He/she assists the Pastor with the administration, financial and personnel resources of the Parish and School and serves as the liaison with the Diocese. The Parish Manager is expected to: Attend meetings as directed by the…
We are Hiring! Director of Catechetical Ministry & Sacramental Preparation for Children and Teens Under the supervision of the Pastor and Pastoral Associate. This is a full time position that will require some evenings and weekend hours. Duties include but are not limited to: Envisions, plans and coordinates all facets of the Catechetical Formation program…
Life Teen Invites You to Eat! Hello Christ the King Church! Life Teen is inviting you out to our Food Sale this Sunday, February 27th! We will be outside in the courtyard after the 9am, 11am, 1pm, and 3pm mass. We will be selling burritos, nachos, horchata, jamaica and pan dulce. Cash and Checks will…
Matching Gift Challenge May 1 – June 15, 2021 A generous donor family has stepped up, challenging us to raise $500,000 for the Charity and Development Appeal between May 1 – June 15, 2021. They will match every single gift – up to $500,000! Help us to raise an additional $1,000,000 the CDA before grants…
We’re doing something a little different this year to celebrate the presence of Our Lord in our lives on: Divine Mercy Sunday, April 11th Tune into our Parish YouTube Channel for a special, pre-recorded online presentation where we will join together to: Recite the Chaplet Pray Reflect on Excerpts from St. Faustina’s Diary Presentation will…
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