Holy Thursday
7:00pm – 6:15pm Call
Liturgical color is white: wear black and white, silver/grey, gold
- Procession: Make Us A Eucharistic People
- Responsorial: Psalm 116:12-13, 15-16BC, 17-18 -Our blessing-cup is a communion with the Blood of Christ/Salmo 115, 12-13. 15-16bc. 17-18 Gracias, Señor, por tu sangre que nos lava.
- Foot Washing:
- In Remembrance
- 3 times: English, Spanish, English
- Where Charity And Love Prevail
- Far gentler approach
- In Remembrance
- Offertory: Blessed Are You, Lord
- Oils will be processed in.
- Start song
- When 1st oil is ready, vamp on Db and Db/Eb, sing Refrain after description.
- Same for last 2 oils.
- Oils will be processed in.
- Communion: Remembrance
- Communion: I Am the Bread of Life/ Yo Soy El Pan de Vida – Toolan
- Most likely English verse and chorus, then Spanish verse and chorus, and so on throughout the song.
- But also be ready for 1st verse and chorus English, 2nd verse and chorus Spanish. It will depend on where we are at in communion distribution. We should know as we start the song.
- chorus ends with ” . . . dia final.”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUd0SV5isAk
- Meditation: Sacred Heart Song – Poirier
- Adoration Prep: Pange Lingua (English)
- Recessional: Stay With Me
- Adoration: (priest enters Hall, silence, places host in stand, priest kneels and then) Tantum Ergo, Stay Here and Keep Watch/Jesus, Remember Me/O Christe Domine Jesu/Jesus Christ, YT&F
Holy Thursday 7:00pm – call time 6:15pm
- Piano: Jarrod Townsend
- Guitar: Brendan Wells
- Bass/Keys: Rob Torres
- Drums: Billy Avelar
- Solo Inst.:
- Sopranos: Mo Marsh, Marcelline Mkpegue, Julie Vietri, Angela Fiore, Katherine Karles, Malia Fatai
- Altos: Donella Wright, Donna Giorsetti, Karen Russey, Connie Miller
- Tenors: Jim Combs, Gene Karles
- Basses:
- Psalmist:
- AV: Matt, Caresa, Colin
Packet (If you don’t see the packet in the windows below, refresh the webpage, or click here.)
Good Friday
7:00pm – 6:15pm call
Liturgical color is red: wear red, black, dark colors
- Entrance: Silence
- Psalm: Psalm 31 – Father, Into Your Hands
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uLZBqo5IbFwbsAoIC_X3q2Fcr7XNrhGR/view?usp=sharing
- The pitches for the 3rd verse move up, rather than stay the same as verse 2. If you’ve sung this arrangement before, you’ll see the difference.
- Gospel: Passion Response (Choir leads crowd responses)
- Unveiling: Behold the Wood/Miren el árbol
- Sung 3 times, English/Spanish/English, with vamp in between to pace it with unveiling of the cross.
- Veneration/Offertory/ Extra Communion: More songs to go along with longer veneration time than the past few years.
- Were You There
- Healing Rain-MW Smith
- Entre Tus Manos
- How Deep The Father’s Love For Us
- When I Survey The Wondrous Cross (O Waly Waly)
- You Were On The Cross
- Solo-If we get to this one, I’ll sing it with whatever musicians are available.
- Oración de la Cruz
- Sacred Head Surrounded
- Communion: Holy Is Our King
- Communion: Prayer of Abandonment
Good Friday 7:00pm 6:15 Call
- Piano: Jarrod Townsend
- Guitar: Brendan Wells
- Bass/Keys: Rob Torres
- Drums:
- Solo Inst.:
- Sopranos: Mo Marsh, Marcelline Mkpegue, Julie Vietri, Angela Fiore, Katherine Karles, Denise Tift, Malia Fatai
- Altos: Donella Wright, Donna Giorsetti, Connie Miller
- Tenors: Jim Combs, Gene Karles
- Basses:
- Psalmist: Jim C
- AV: Caresa, Colin
Packet (If you don’t see the packet in the windows below, refresh the webpage, or click here.)
Easter Vigil
6:45pm instrumentalist call
7:00pm vocalist call
Liturgical color is white: wear nice stuff. Gold, silver, bright colors, vivid colors.
Vigil Packet (If you don’t see the packet in a window below, refresh the webpage):
- First Part: The Solemn Beginning of the Vigil or Lucernarium
- The Blessing of the Fire and Preparation of the Candle (Deacon)
- Procession
- The Easter Proclamation (Exsultet)
- Second Part: The Liturgy of the Word
- Reading 1: Gn 1:1—2:2 or Gn 1:1, 26-31a
- Psalm: Psalm 104 – Lord, Send Out Your Spirit – JT
- Reading: Éxodo 14: 15-15:1
- Psalm: Éxodo 15 – Alabemos Señor por su victoria . – JT
- Isaiah: Reading 5 Is 55:1-11
- Psalm: Isaiah 12 – You Will Draw Water Joyfully – JT
- Gloria: Gloria-Mass of Transfiguration
- Reading: Epistle Rom 6:3-11 – Baptized into his death.
- Sequence/Gospel Acc Psalm 118-Mass of Transfiguration
- Reading: Gospel Lk 24:1-12 – Quem Quaritis
- Third Part: Baptismal Liturgy
- Litany of Saints Chant from Missal
- Blessing of Paschal Candle: Springs of Water Bless the Lord
- Baptisms: instrumental piano
- Confirmation: instrumental piano
- Sprinkling: I Saw Water Flowing
- Litany of Saints Chant from Missal
- Fourth Part: The Liturgy of the Eucharist
- Offertory: Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King/Sing Of Christ Proclaim His Glory
- Communion: Christ is Risen
- Communion 2: Resucitó
- Communion 3: Beautiful Savior
- Meditation: Let The Earth Acclaim Christ Jesus (HYFRYDOL)
- Recessional: Alleluia! Love Is Alive
- Offertory: Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King/Sing Of Christ Proclaim His Glory
Easter Vigil 7:30pm – 7:00pm call
- Piano: Jarrod Townsend
- Guitar: Brendan Wells, Peter Kaczmarowski
- Bass/Keys: Rob Torres
- Drums:
- Solo Inst.:
- Sopranos: Mo Marsh, Marcelline Mkpegue, Angela Fiore, Malia Fatai, Maria Elena Townsend
- Altos: Connie Miller
- Tenors: Jim Combs, Gene Karles
- Basses:
- Psalm: 104 – Lord, Send Out Your Spirit – Jim C.
- Éxodo 15 – Alabemos Señor por su victoria – Robert
- Isaiah 12 – You Will Draw Water Joyfully – Mo
- AV: Caresa, Colin
Packet (If you don’t see the packet in the windows below, refresh the webpage, or click here.)